Thursday, January 14, 2021

Not A Surprise

 Well, what did you think was going to happen? Did you really think that you could just look in front of you at the people and events that had properly lined up where you had placed them, in your foreground of preferred reality, and ignore the chaos bubbling all along the periphery as if it wasn't real or was a figment of someone else's thoughts? Did you think that you could neglect human beings, whose thoughts create reality just as much as yours do, consigning them to the Ignorance Pile, as if they required no attention? They have been telling you, this entire time, who they are and what they believe, what they intend, and now you are surprised that your years of swatting them away like so many pesky mosquitoes has fed their bubbling rage, which has now spilled over into the most scalding kind of chemical fire? A person may lie down at the side of the road in exhaustion after being left to march after the ones who built the road, thinking he has no choice but to follow, unsure of how to create his own path. But people? People never will. People in a group will harness their resentments and their frustrations together and make a common decision not only to take over the road, to demolish the tracks neatly laid by others who've told them they know better, but to destroy the road altogether, to obliterate it from all perception, and eventually claim there was never a road there to begin with.

Perhaps the solution does not lie in building enough roads so that everyone can have one. Maybe it is more a question of cooperating to make the existing road wide enough to accommodate everyone who wishes to travel on it. Wiser engineers than I may figure this out before I do.